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Main Hall is a large building with many windows.

Foregrounding Student Strengths and Creative Bravery

动动脑筋. 要有创意. 勇敢.” This phrase appears in all of Jennifer Dobby’s syllabi and speaks to the core of her award-winning teaching. 在她的课程中, Professor Dobby creates learning environments that are comfortable enough for students to “speak bravely, 勇敢的行动, and learn about themselves bravely.今年, 威尼斯游戏大厅 celebrates Professor Dobby’s teaching by honoring her with the 2021 Norman and Louise 所有hiser Award for Teaching Excellence.

Dr. 斯科特·亨德里克斯

Moving Beyond the Comfort Zone: Mentoring Honors 学生

去年, students taking the Honors course 历史 225: Medieval Europe, 中国, and the Islamic Crescent experienced the empowerment that comes from guiding their own learning: they decided what was important to talk about, led discussions themselves, and had ample class time for lively, engaging interactions. 为什么? Because their instructor believed in them.

celebrate carroll thumbnail

信任 & Technology: Celebrate Carroll Goes Virtual

The pandemic required students and faculty to quickly find new ways to learn and collaborate, and to discover new ways of using familiar technologies. Only weeks into our first lockdown, Celebrate Carroll 2020 went virtual using Canvas as a platform, giving students and faculty the chance to experiment while deepening their learning...and their trust in each other.


Personalizing Feedback Using Video

Looking for more interactive ways to provide feedback in online courses, Dr. 夏利奥里维拉 experimented with leaving video comments for students using Canvas’s SpeedGrader feature.


Teaching Decision-Making Using Mindmeister and Lucidchart

Knowing that her psychologically exhausted students needed a break from screen-based group work in a fully online MBA course, 凯蒂·麦卡锡 was eager to find a way to reinforce their learning without wearing them out.


Encouraging Interactivity Across Modalities with Padlet

Promoting interactivity is key to the active learning classroom. 博士. Rebecca Imes’ 沟通 courses, this has typically meant asking students to participate in hands-on activities that literally get them out of their seats to engage their peers’ ideas. Yet with physical distancing Imes sought an alternative.

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Panoramic View of campus