
学术计划: 职业治疗硕士


I was a physician and have worked in hospital for years in China. 移民美国后.S.A., I devoted more time to learn English and gradually prepare myself to return to the healthcare field. Meanwhile, I am eager to bring my skills, knowledge, and experience to the patients. I kept thinking about what career I will pursue in the future. I wish to find a way to still serve those in need and continue my medical profession, providing patients with timely and effective services, 实现人生价值. 经过研究和比较, I found OT pays more attention to the whole person, alleviates the suffering of patients from a holistic perspective. So, I decided to pursue OT as my healthcare profession.

What made you choose 威尼斯游戏大厅 for your graduate program?

首先也是最重要的, I like the mutual supporting study environment and the OT department has a strong support system. The Director and professors always encourage the students to support and help each other to be successful together instead of competing to win individually. Furthermore, they have a series of lectures to help us succeed.  Each new student also has a one-on-one student mentor. As a non-native with limited English, I am very fortunate to choose this university. All the above support enabled me to get out of the confusion period of a new graduate student at a fast speed and get on the right track as soon as possible. Besides, the MOT program of 威尼斯游戏大厅 is an accelerated program. It starts early in May and enables me to graduate early and work early. In addition, 威尼斯游戏大厅 has a meaningful history and excellent teaching heritage. It has a pragmatic school spirit and learns from others' strengths, as well as a very comfortable learning environment, 温和的学费, 而且离我家很近. 所以,它是我理想的目标学校.

What courses or experiences within the MOT program have been most valuable?

So far, I have only studied for two semesters in MOT program. 我认为人体解剖学和生理学, 神经科学, and biomechanics are the most valuable courses because they are the important foundation for many other courses and occupational interventions. However, the humanities courses and other science courses are also valuable. After the continuous and in depth learning of these courses, 我们可以建立一个强大的知识库, prepare us to become the qualified future OT professionals.

What are the benefits of your level I fieldwork experiences during the MOT program?

The level I fieldwork starts from the second semester. It offers me the opportunity to interact with real patients as early as possible. It also gives me the chance to observe and understand patients’ motivations, 的想法, and behavior; apply the knowledge and skills learned in the class right away; and practice patient-centered care all through the program.

What are the benefits of having professional OT faculty in the program?

Having professional OT faculty is really a big benefit for this program. 不管他们是否教授职业技术科学课程, 实地工作或人文课程, professors with OT backgrounds will consciously guide us to look at cases, 场景, and even interpersonal interaction from the perspective of OT. So, we can receive much more professional training during both lecture and practical class. This helps up to enhance the ability to deal with different kinds of situation in the future OT work.

What has been the highlight of your MOT program experience thus far?

I enjoy the experience of returning to campus after years of work. While learning new knowledge and skills, I am constantly improving my English as well.

What type of setting do you plan to work in after graduating?

As a future OT with a physician background worked in hospital. 我想在医院工作, 康复机构, 或者是门诊, since I have more experience serving middle-aged or elderly in my previews work. I would also like to alleviate the suffering of patients who speak my native language but struggling with English.

你为什么选择Carroll的MOT vs. OTD项目?

Personally speaking, MOT means graduating and working earlier to support the family. I enjoy the process of educating students and accompanying them to be stronger and I have the experience to do so. 然而,现在对我来说不是这样. 也许我以后会继续OTD项目.

How do you think Carroll’s Interprofessional Practice will assist you in the future?

威尼斯游戏大厅, we truly simulate how professionals from different majors can take the patient as the center and jointly promote the health of patients through cross-professional communication. In addition, inter-professional students also learn how to respect interaction in this experience. All team members were present, and team member take turns facilitate the dialogue. 团队中的每个人都有自己的角色, 的声音, 并采取行动参与对话, 每个人都能理解使用的语言. 重点是客户、需求和目标. In addition, interacting with clients also cultivates our empathy. Empathy in the healthcare field can help to understand the feelings of patients and promote more accurate diagnosis and more considerate treatment. This experience will benefit us a lot in the future.
