Frequently Asked Questions

List of questions and answers for exploring students.

What are the benefits of Exploring?

Exploring when you first enter college allows you to explore courses and find subject matters that interest you. Entering college as an Exploring Student allows you to have the time you need to explore majors, 职业生涯, 和你自己.

How do I be purposeful in my Exploring?

To be successful throughout your exploration process, you should stay active in your search by asking specific questions, gathering useful information, evaluating data, and exploring various outcomes. You should also make efforts to meet with your Exploring Advisor twice a semester and follow through with recommended tasks between appointments.

Things to consider while Exploring:

  • What are your interests – things you like or don’t like?
  • What skills and abilities do you already possess? What skills do you want?
  • What do you value? 在你自己? 在其他? In your future place of employment or job?
  • What are you passionate about learning?
  • What are some of your career aspirations?
  • What makes you unique?
  • What are some courses that you really liked in high school and want to take more of?
  • What courses did you not take in high school that you would like to try now?
  • What are some majors you are interested in?

When do Exploring Students declare?

Exploring Students declare whenever they are ready and meet the requirements for the major they plan to declare. We encourage students to declare as soon as they are ready so that they can get connected with opportunities in their new major and stay on track for graduation.

Will I be assigned to a new advisor when I declare?

是的. When you are ready to declare, you will be assigned to a new advisor within your new major. Your new advisor will help you finalize your academic plan and connect you with opportunities in your major.

What happens if I declare a major and change my mind?

There are no limits to the number of times you can change your major here at Carroll. 然而, we encourage you to consider the academic implications and time to graduation before making any changes to your academic plan. You can work with an Academic Advisor within the Center for Academic Advising to prepare for changing your major again, and you are always welcome back in the Exploring Program if you need us.

Will I be on track for graduation when I declare?

Our Exploring Advisor will help you map your possible path to graduation for all of the majors you are considering. Because you will be taking introductory major courses in the majors you are exploring, courses you have already taken in the major you declare will fulfill major requirements. Any courses you have taken outside of the major will count towards elective credits or even PioCore requirements.

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