
加强 Teaching and Learning

Pioneer Driven: Carroll University's New Vision For Distinction
Carroll University will become a leader in educating students who are skillfully prepared for lifelong learning and vocational success. By integrating experiential and problem-based liberal arts education throughout our curriculum, we will embrace new approaches to delivering the university experience that emphasizes relevance and responsiveness to the diverse needs of today’s students.

进一步, we will continue to expand our exceptional professional programs and create new areas of study that are relevant, responsive and required in today’s swiftly changing economy.  Our definition of academic excellence will prioritize progressive pedagogy, innovative scholarship, 应用伦理学, collaborative and solutions-oriented cultures, experiential learning opportunities, and a ready adaptation and adoption of new technologies.
通过设计, we will build a foundation for continuing intellectual development informed by existing and emerging market demand and lifelong learning trends. Our students will be distinguished in the workplace through their core skills of integration and synthesis and their ability to deliver a positive, immediate and lasting impact in the workplace, in their community and in their everyday lives.

Carroll University Will:

1. Intentionally infuse the liberal arts across all areas of study by:

  • Establishing opportunities and pathways for all students to fully engage in the liberal arts.
  • 加强, elevating and increasing the accessibility of the CCE program so that all students are immersed in cultures different than their own.
  • Reimagining and growing the Honors Program.

2. Support an academic culture of innovation, collaboration and entrepreneurship for faculty and staff by:

  • Embedding a culture of professional development and professional growth across the university.
  • Establishing an Innovation Center. 
  • 加强 access to and use of educational technology.

 3. Expand and develop academic programming to meet emerging societal needs by:

  • Establishing the reputation of the School of Business by refining and strengthening curricula, developing areas of study and enhancing enrollment.
  • Creating Carroll University’s School of Education and Human Services and expanding degree offerings.
  • Developing new programming, areas of study  and delivery models across all degree levels and in each college and school.

4. Sustain excellence by:

  • 加强 student outcomes across programs.
  • Achieving national accreditation in programs where available.
  • Achieving national recognition.
"I believe the recently completed strategic framework provides...Carroll University with vision and guidance to continue institutional adaptiveness and prudently invest in market-relevant academic programs and related initiatives.

Joe Zvesper '76  |  executive vice chairman, Duff & 菲尔普斯,有限责任公司.

Additional 战略计划 Goals:

了解更多about the strategic plan

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