
Dr. 朱莉Steuber

Associate Professor of 教育, Director of 主 of Arts and Teaching 获取联系信息




Dr. Steuber began her teaching career in Wisconsin as an Early Childhood educator. After several years of teaching in urban and suburban school districts, 她于2006年开始了她的高等教育生涯. 在高等教育中, 她教教育, 读写能力, 以及本科生的研究课程, 主, 博士水平. 除了教学, she served as a leader in multiple graduate programs and mentor for student teachers and doctoral students. 她于2023年加入威尼斯游戏大厅.


  • 红衣主教斯特里奇大学博士.D. 语文及读写
  • 玛丽安大学.A. 课程与教学
  • 威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校.S.、幼儿教育


Early Childhood 教育 instruction and assessment, 词汇习得, 词汇知识, 课程与教学, Micro-credentials, 以及Hyflex教学模式


  • The extinction of the ‘snow day’ and other natural disasters: The advantages of the HyFlex model. CLUTE 国际 Conference on 教育, 2022.
  • Competency Based 专业发展: A Guide for Developing Micro-credential Experiences. 演讲. 国际 Online Learning Commission (OLC) Innovate. 芝加哥,. 2020
  • Creating Micro- credentials for professional organizations. 在线学习联盟. 佛罗里达州奥兰多,2019年.
  • Creating Personalized Micro-Credentials for School Districts. Paper presented at 克鲁特研究所国际会议. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州,2018.
  • Workshop Title: Micro-Credentialing:  A New Perspective on 专业发展. 克鲁特研究所国际会议. 拉斯维加斯,内华达州,2018.


  • Benefits of Research-based Vocabulary instruction during Read Alouds on Young Children’s Language Skills. 全民扫盲会议——莱斯利大学. 剑桥,麻. 2014.
  • Ups and Breakdowns: Differentiated Writing Instruction for All Learners. 英语领导力大会. 波士顿. 2013.
  • 教育工作者的替代路线. National Association for Alternative Certification, Atlanta, GA, 2008.


  • Micro-Credentialing for Competency Based Teacher 专业发展. Mid-Western 教育al Research Association (MWERA). 辛辛那提,俄亥俄州,2018年.
  • Developing your Question and Influence of Scholarly Research. 大密尔沃基行动研究会议. 密尔沃基,威斯康星州,2012.
  • Developing your Question and Looking at Research 大密尔沃基行动研究会议. 密尔沃基,威斯康星州,2011年.
  • Developing Teacher Leaders through Action Research: Developing the Teacher Voice. 密尔沃基行动研究会议. 密尔沃基,威斯康星州,2010年.
  • Social Emotional foundations for Learning and Teaching: Ready to Learn at Any Age. Wisconsin Early Childhood Association, Wisconsin Dells, WI, 2009.
  • Developing Teacher Leaders through Action Research. 密尔沃基行动研究会议, Milwaukee, WI, 2009.


  • Micro-Credentialing: A Journey towards Cultural Competence through Data-Driven Decision Making. Wisconsin Association of School Boards State 教育 Convention. 2019年,威斯康星州密尔沃基.
  • Increasing Children’s Oral Language and Vocabulary during Read Alouds. 威斯康星州幼儿会议. 威斯康星州戴尔,2013年.
  • Strategies for Increasing Young Children’s Oral Language Skills and Vocabulary Knowledge through Interactive Read Alouds. Quality Educators Annual Convention and Exhibit Show. 麦迪逊,威斯康星州,2013年.


  • Grading for Learning with Compassion, Faculty Mentorship Circle, 红衣主教斯特里奇大学,2022年.
  • HyFlex 1:初威尼斯游戏大厅到HyFlex课程模型. 教员的专业发展. 红衣主教斯特里奇大学,2022年.
  • The extinction of the ‘snow day’ and other natural disasters: The advantages of the HyFlex model. Cardinal Stritch University StritchTALKS, 2022.
  • Two Peas in a Pod: Team teaching in the College of 教育 and 领导. 特里奇会谈. 密尔沃基,威斯康星州,2016.
  • Using Action Research as a 专业发展 Tool. Topics included planning and conducting action research in the K-8 classroom, 职业发展, 专业分享. Cardinal Stritch University Speakers Bureau, Milwaukee, WI, 2014.


Steuber J., ies, E.L . Plichta. (2018). Creating personalized micro-credentials for school districts. Paper presented at CLUTE 国际 Conference on 教育, 国际 Conference on 教育 Proceedings http://www.cluteinstitute.com/proceedings/ .

琼斯,J. Baran, M.史都伯,J. (2018). Effective teaching strategies to connect with the adult learners’ worldview. 在琼斯,J., Baran, M, & •P. (Ed.), Outcome based Strategies for Adult Learning pp. 84-92. 好时,宾夕法尼亚州:IGI全球.

Steuber J. (2013). Effects of three comprehensive models of vocabulary Instruction during shared storybook read alouds on kindergartner’s tier two target word knowledge (Doctoral dissertation). 可从ProQuest论文 & 全球数据库. (文件编号3562812).



  • 教学艺术硕士
  • Wisconsin Professors of Literacy member Wisconsin State Reading Association (WSRA) Literacy Research Symposium Co-Lead
  • National 教育 Association (NEA) Action Research Fellows member
  • MAT Hyflex教学模型设计团队



I am an experienced educator committed to fostering a collaborative environment that contributes to the overall success of my students. I strive to facilitate transformative and interactive experiences through in-person, 在线, 混合动力, 和Hyflex学习环境. Class activities encourage students to share their personal experiences, 视角, 以及相关主题的背景知识.  I believe instructors must be flexible and encouraging to all learners within the classroom so that we may best support students’ spiritual and educational journey.



I believe my role as an instructor is to facilitate learning and not to disseminate information. Emphasis is placed on the importance of engaging students in active learning experiences. 集体, all the teaching strategies that I employ within my classroom are anchored in my philosophy that my role is to facilitate a learning environment that fosters a co-construction of knowledge among peers. 



尊重, 同情, and acceptance for the uniqueness of individuals are values I hope to foster; therefore, I believe that modeling a caring and 同情ate attitude and disposition in the classroom is important.  

