
Jessica Lahner博士

行为健康心理学硕士项目主任 & 心理学临床副教授 获取联系信息


心理学 行为健康心理学


Dr. Lahner teaches courses that focus on the applied work of psychologists at the graduate and undergraduate levels. 有临床和组织咨询的背景, 她把自己的心理健康和咨询经验带到课堂上. Dr. Lahner has worked with adult and adolescent patients and their treatment teams at Rogers Behavioral health. She also currently serves as a consultant for Fox6 News appearing on segments addressing mental health issues in adolescents and children.

目前主要从事教学和临床工作. Lahner has published peer-reviewed articles and presented her research at professional conferences. Her career history includes working as an adjunct faculty member at the University of North Texas and Carthage College, a fellow at the University of Minnesota’s Counseling and Consulting Services, and an organizational consultant for various organizations such as Raytheon Missile Systems. She has served on various community charity boards and the 校友 Board for the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. 除了她的专业和志愿者工作,Dr. Lahner spends most of her time running half-marathons and keeping up with her four children.


  • 北德克萨斯大学博士.D. 咨询心理学,辅修工业组织心理学
  • 北德克萨斯大学,M.S. 在心理学中
  • 威斯康星大学史蒂文斯点分校,B.S. 心理学,辅修舞蹈


  • 临床与咨询心理学
  • 临床监督
  • 认知行为疗法
  • Evidenced-based practice for chronic anxiety and depression in adults and adolescents
  • 职业发展
  • 能力建模



Serve as child development consultant for Fox6 developing content for regular news segments related to child and adolescent mental health
Work as a Fellow at Rogers Behavioral Health in the Focus Depression Recovery program for adults and OCD, 儿童抑郁和焦虑项目
Serve on the Montessori School of 沃基肖 Teacher Training Center advisory board


Lahner J. M.海斯莱普,B.麦凯维,T. N., & 绅士,D. M. (2014). 员工年龄和对裁员的反应. 国际衰老与人类发展杂志,79, 225-255.
Halfhill T.E .桑德斯特伦.Lahner J. M.卡尔德隆,W. K., & 尼尔森,T. M. (2005). Group personality composition and group effectiveness: An integrative review of empirical research. 小组研究,36, 83-105.
Lahner J. M. & Hayslip B. (2003). Gender differences in parental reactions to the birth of a premature low birth weight infant. 产前和围产期心理与健康杂志,18, 71-88.
沙佛,M.Lahner J. M.卡尔德隆,W. K.戴维斯,J。., & 皮特里T. A. (2002). The use and effectiveness of a web-based instructional supplement in a college student success program. ——《威尼斯彩票游戏》,2013, 751-757.
沃尔,E. C.Lahner J. M., & Jooste, J. (2002). 被监护的祖父母之间的群体过程. 在B. Hayslip (Ed.), 祖父母抚养孙子. 纽约:斯普林格出版社.


麦金太尔,.Lahner J. M.布拉迪,C.布里利,V. (2019年10月)《幸存的城市管理. 特邀嘉宾. 国际城市/县管理协会. 美国田纳西州纳什维尔.
Lahner,凯文 & 杰西卡·莱纳. (2017,10月)经理——证明你的关系. 向国际城市/县管理协会作的报告. 圣安东尼奥,德克萨斯州.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2014年9月). 鼓励儿童识字. Invited presentation given as part of the United Way’s Imagination 图书馆 program. 拉辛县联合劝募会. 伯灵顿,WI.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2008年4月). 地方政府的代际差异. 应邀向威斯康辛城市管理协会作报告. 榆林,威斯康辛州.
杰西卡·莱纳. 1月(2008). 招聘X一代 & Y. 应邀出席全国运动训练师协会研讨会. 达拉斯,TX.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2007年9月). 世代相传的教育. Invited workshop given to the faculty of the College of Business and Technology at Tarrant County College, 东南校区.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2007年8月). 世代相传的教育. Invited presentation given to the faculty of the College of Business and Sciences at Tarrant County College, 南校区.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2007年8月). 弥合工作中的代沟. 凯勒商会受邀举办研讨会.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2007年4月). 职场中的代际冲突. 特邀嘉宾 for the Masters of Public Administration Annual 校友 Conference at the University of North Texas.
杰西卡·莱纳. 3月(2007). 积极管理你的职业生涯. Invited workshop presented to the Urban Management Assistants of North Texas.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2005). 员工年龄和对裁员的反应. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿D.C.

杰西卡·莱纳. & 小伯特·海斯莱普. (2005). The Impact of Downsizing on Survivors’ Career Development: A Test of Super’s Theory. 作为雇佣合同的一部分, 年龄, and Work Demands Symposium at the Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychologists, 华盛顿, D.C.
Halfhill T.E .桑德斯特伦.Lahner J. M.卡尔德隆,W. K., & 尼尔森,T. M. (2002年4月). 人格构成与群体效能:一项元分析. 论文发表于17th Annual Conference of the Society of Industrial Organizational Psychologists, Toronto, Canada.
Halfhill T.E .桑德斯特伦.Lahner J. M., & 回复中,W. K. 5月(2001). Group personality composition and group effectiveness: An integrative review of empirical research. 海报于13日展出th 美国心理学会年会,多伦多,加拿大.
沙佛,M. E.Lahner J. M.卡尔德隆,W. K.戴维斯,J。. E., & 皮特里T. (2000年11月.) Using the Internet as a teaching instrument among college students: A preliminary analysis. 论文发表于第33期rd Annual Conference of the College Reading and Learning Association, Sparks, Nevada.
回复中,W. K.Lahner J. M.戴维斯,J。. E.更安全,M. E., & 皮特里T. A. (2000年9月.) 心理学 1000: An academic effectiveness course at the University of North Texas. Paper presented at the Texas Psychological Association/Oklahoma Psychological Association Joint Annual Convention, 达拉斯,TX.
杰西卡·莱纳. (2000年8月). 社区心理健康的起源:林德曼模型.  Paper presented at the 108th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 华盛顿D.C.




我的目标是通过案例研究将材料带入生活, 讨论, 讲故事, 角色扮演和其他应用活动. 儿童玩具, 模拟会议, 病人的情况下, 反射, community-based advocacy projects are just a sampling of the way we work with content in my courses.


我对教学和培训心理健康专业人员充满热情. The challenge of translating complex psychological content into information learnings understand while motivating them to see its applicability to their lives and work excites me. 作为一名执业教师, I bring my clicial work into the classroom so students clearly see the connection between the science and work in the field. I find it a privilege to teach these concepts while challenging students to critically consider their own view of themselves and the world. One of my goals for each class is that my students leave it differently than they entered. My hope is that they view the world more critically and more inclusively than before. I aspire to create environments that allow students to be active agents in their education. 培养这种课堂气氛, I provide challenge and critical thinking opportunities and help connect course content to their personal goals.


案例研究,应用活动,角色扮演... I use these tools and more to help students “see” and build skills around the concepts they are learning. 我努力将材料与学生的生活联系起来, 他们的职业生涯, and other courses so the common themes between life in and out of the classroom are evident. As much as possible we work with material in the ways it shows up and impacts the world we live in. Students often tell me they’ve never had a course so relvant to the real world. 这是我能收到的最好的赞美之一.


While I strive to provide the context for learning, students provide the motivation. I believe learning is a team effort that involves active contributors from both instructors and students. 从我的课程中获益最多的学生承诺积极参与, 在安全的环境中冒险, 并将新材料与自己的经历联系起来.
