Dr. 大卫·卡罗尔大头照


Clinical Assistant Professor of 行为健康心理学 获取联系信息




Dr. Carroll is a mission-driven professional who is focused on engaging others in lifelong health, well-being, 和弹性.   He completed an undergraduate major in psychology at Marquette University where he graduated with a Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology prior to completing his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Ohio University.  他在住院部工作过, residential, 以及门诊精神健康机构, 一般医疗设置, 私人执业.  He is committed to lifelong learning 专业发展 and taught at Marquette University, 威斯康辛医学院, 以及威斯康星职业心理学院.   He supervised pre-doctoral interns and post-doctoral fellows in psychology and led the development of national training programs and leadership development courses.  The primary locus of his professional work has been within the US Department of 退伍军人事务部 (VA), beginning at the Zablocki VA Medical Center in Milwaukee where he served as a staff psychologist, 项目经理, 专业实践带头人, 道德委员会的联合主席.  He went on to hold national management and leadership roles within the VA, including serving as the Executive Director for mental health and suicide prevention at VA headquarters in Washington DC where he was responsible for the development and oversight of VA’s entire system of integrated mental health care and suicide prevention
services.  He has been a leader in innovation – advancing whole health care, 采用远程心理保健服务, 与社区伙伴协调服务, 以及最佳实践的传播.  在他的整个工作中. 卡罗尔一直是团队护理的倡导者, 共同决策, 专业发展.   He has over 20 years of service on multiple educational and faith-based boards in leadership positions, 对运营进行监督, finance, 以及社区服务. 


  • Ph.D.,临床心理学,俄亥俄大学,雅典,俄亥俄州
  • M.S., Clinical Psychology, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI
  • M.Div.教牧神学,圣. 弗朗西斯神学院,密尔沃基,威斯康星州
  • B.A.哲学,圣. 弗朗西斯·德·萨莱斯,学院,密尔沃基,威斯康星州


  • 临床心理学
  • 临床监督
  • 领导力发展
  • 以团队为基础的综合康复护理
  • 退伍军人的心理健康和福祉
  • 预防自杀


Carroll, D.科尔尼,L. K., & Miller, M.A.  (2020).  Addressing suicide in the veteran population: Engaging a public health approach.  《威尼斯彩票游戏》11月11日. 

Kearney, L. K., Smith, C.卡罗尔,D。., Burk, J., Cohen, J., & 亨德森,K. (2018). Veterans Health Administration's (VHA) National mental health leadership mentoring program: A pilot evaluation. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 12(1).

Carroll, D., & Kudler, H. (2017).  衡量退伍军人护理的质量.  精神病学服务, 68(3), 308.

Carroll, D. (2017).  我在我们故事中的角色.  In R. Baker & R. 戈德堡(.), 更多来自VA心理学的故事 (p. 73-82).  创建空间独立出版平台. 

Zeiss, A. M., Zeiss, R. A., & Carroll, D. (2016).  退伍军人事务部. In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos D. K. Freedheim, M. M. 多梅内克Rodríguez, J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, ... M. M. 多梅内克Rodríguez(编.), APA handbook of clinical psychology: Roots and branches, Vol. 1 (pp. 421-433). 美国华盛顿特区:美国心理学会.

Carroll, D. (2009).  The road back to self: It’s the journey not the destination.  In P. Driscoll & C. 施特劳斯(Eds.), Hidden battles on unseen fronts: Stories of American soldiers with traumatic brain injury and PTSD (p. 241-246).  费城:Casemate出版社.
Carroll, D. (2008).  Coping.  In S. Loue & M. Sajatovic (Eds.), 老龄化与公共健康百科全书 (p. 235-237).  纽约:斯普林格出版社.


  • Exceptional Service Award, Department of 退伍军人事务部, 2022
  • Presidential Citation for Lifelong Leadership and Commitment to Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Services, 美国心理学会, 2022
  • Patrick DeLeon Advocacy Award, Association of VA Psychologist Leaders, 2015
  • John Beard Award, United States Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association. 2010
  • Professional Services Award, Association of VA Psychologist Leaders, 2010


教育是一种权利,也是一种责任, and it is fundamental for the well-being of individuals and societies.   正规教育是一个关键的、形成性的组成部分.   It is a privileged moment for the student and for the teacher who mutually share in the act of discovery and learning.   For those of us in behavioral health psychology and human services, 我们受教育的最终目的是超越我们自己.   它的目的是为他人谋福利, particularly those who are struggling and those who are or are at risk of being marginalized or disenfranchised.   我们有巨大的机会产生影响, and I am eager to help students build and nurture a lifelong passion for learning and service.   To begin, 我想了解学生的经历, 预期, goals, 这样我就可以相应地调整我们的工作.   By providing multiple different types of learning experiences, I want to encourage students to become well-informed but ever curious, confident but humble critical thinkers who are self-reflective yet don’t take themselves too seriously.   I strive to model that to which I aspire in all my interactions.    


I am passionate about advancing the health and well-being of those for whom and with whom I work and of the communities in which I live.  I am excited about bringing to bear the best science and practice in the service of mental health clinical care and in promoting opportunities for all to reach their full potential.  It is such a privilege to be a mental health professional and to assist others as they journey through life.  I want to build up the mental health workforce so we can continue to meet the needs of all members of our society and can promote, protect, and restore the well-being of all through clinical care, research, advocacy, 政策发展.  


Learning is engaging only if students and teachers come at it jointly, 一起冒险, 开诚布公地分享.  学习不是一项观赏性的运动.  I am eager to extend an invitation to engage in learning and to create a safe space in which it can occur.   I see it as my responsibility to work from the questions, needs, and experiences of students as much as possible using multiple learning platforms and large group, small group, 一对一的讨论.  Together I want us to share an insatiable appetite for discovery while simultaneously I want to build up the expertise and confidence of students for the next steps in their individual journeys of education and service. 


I am absolutely convinced that together there is nothing that we cannot overcome or find our way through, 没有致命的缺陷或愚蠢的问题, 我们都能成功.  I believe deeply in the goodness of life and humanity and that we need to be good stewards of our relationships and our health.  I am easily inspired by those with whom I have the privilege of sharing this journey through life