
作者: Linda Spice '89

发表日期: 5/23/2019

类别: 校友 多样性、公平与包容 F1RST杂志 2019年夏季第一学期 教职员工 学生



Symone Russell ’16 has been involved in diversity discussions at Carroll since her freshman year in 2012.
作为一个有色人种的学生, she thought it was important to know 和 underst和 how Carroll assisted its students of color. Now as an alumna, she wants to provide more support than she had during her days at Carroll.

“I remembered feeling that there weren’t many resources for myself so I felt obligated to be that person for current students,拉塞尔说。, who has become part of a growing number of alumni committed to strengthening diversity by connecting through Carroll’s Cultural Diversity Discussion group on campus. Russell also serves as alumni advisor to the college’s black student union. 

多洛丽丝·奥坎波·布朗,1999年,高级主管 校友参与办公室, helped launch the Cultural Diversity Discussion alumni group in April 2016, 和 said the university’s goals in engaging alumni to help support diversity initiatives include: 

  • Helping to recruit a more diverse pool of students.
  • Helping to retain underrepresented students at Carroll so they graduate.
  • Engaging more alumni to help build a network 和 support the university with its diversity efforts.

Helping to lead the diversity efforts are alumni José Olivieri ’78, chair of Carroll’s 校董会; Dorval Carter ’79, Vice-Chair of Carroll’s Board of Trustees 和 Chair of the Academic 和 学生生活 Committee; 和 S和ra (Smith) Cunningham ’78, Former Chair of the 校友理事会 和 Carroll trustee. 她还担任董事会设施委员会主席. 

校友 involved in diversity discussions meet with faculty, staff 和 students on campus 和 are not limited by distance, 有时通过电话会议参与. Brown said having alumni engage in diversity efforts is important for Carroll in providing students a reflection of the real world.

“We would be doing our students a disservice if we didn’t attempt to mirror the world that exists now,布朗说. “Our 任务 is to prepare students for service 和 work in a diverse 和 global community.”

托德·苏里亚诺,87年, said diversity has become a focal point 和 interest to him, particularly as the father of an adopted son from Korea. He also has worked in a minority-owned bank in Detroit, Michigan, for the last decade. Suriano has traveled back to campus to join his fellow alumni in Carroll’s Cultural Diversity Discussion group 和 is working to establish internships in Detroit 和 bring greater awareness of Carroll to students of color in Michigan. “I guess the older I get, the more I realize how special Carroll is,” he said. “I’d love to be able to get Detroit kids over to Carroll. I think it’s a great story that needs to be told over on this side of the lake.”

One of the larger initiatives to come out of diversity discussions involves the creation of Carroll’s 机会奖学基金, intended to help narrow the financial gap for students of diverse backgrounds who are traditionally underrepresented here. It aligns with the university’s priority of helping to retain those students. 捐助者已承诺提供200多美元,在基金成立之初,我向它捐款了000英镑, 和 Carroll will continue to work to grow the dollars as it aims toward stronger diversity 和 retention of students, 史蒂夫·库恩说, vice president for institutional advancement at Carroll.

“我认为我们正在取得进展, but we have a long way to go in terms of diversity,卡罗尔校长博士说. 辛迪Gnadinger, who said considerations for strengthening diversity at Carroll have been built into the university’s four goals making up its new 战略计划. 这不仅对学生很重要, but efforts are underway to build on diversity among faculty 和 staff, 太, 她说.

瓦妮莎·托普切夫斯基, associate dean of multicultural affairs 和 global engagement, said she has seen an excitement around “innovation, 包容和增长是具有传染性的. Her office is building on the momentum by focusing on gathering data, research 和 feedback to design a two-year departmental 战略计划.

“We’re looking forward to exp和ing 和 improving systems, programs 和 supports that assist in cultivating a welcoming 和 inclusive learning environment for the entire campus community,”她说。.


这么多线索让我们找到了卡罗. 那么多不同的梦想驱使着我们. We come from more than 30 states 和 more than 30 countries. 但先锋队的经历将我们团结在一起. 拓荒者精神活在我们每个人心中.

它活在耶稣·蒙特斯体内. The sophomore from West Allis is driven to succeed in Carroll’s rigorous 护理程序 并开始在医疗领域的职业生涯. 但他说如果没有 金融援助 他收到了. “Because of it, I’m able to attend the university of my choice to pursue my dream.”
And it lives within Jaellah Cimmone Jones, a first year student from northern Illinois. 琼斯是一个狂热的读者,他正在学习 生物学心理学 as she takes aim at graduate studies in neuroscience. She is overjoyed to be at Carroll 和 is forever grateful for the 金融援助 support s他收到了. It shows that someone else believes in her, she says. “这让我明白,努力是有回报的.”

我们的校长,博士. 辛迪Gnadinger, believes strongly in making the Carroll experience accessible to all, 不管他们的背景如何. She created the 机会奖学基金 to provide a lifeline for those students from diverse backgrounds which are traditionally underrepresented in higher education 和 to help bridge that gap. With a contribution to the 机会奖学基金, you’ll be actively supporting a more diverse campus—和 helping Carroll fulfill its 任务.


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