
The overarching research aims to investigate the therapeutic and beneficial effects of exercise on chronic diseases. A specific subset of research seeks to evaluate how exercise improves both physiological and psychological parameters in the cancer population.

In the second year of the program our students will engage in research and active 数据收集 including: developing research methodology, 客户招聘, 数据收集, and data analysis. Our students will also present research during the spring semester at 庆祝卡罗尔, our annual academic conference that highlights scholarly achievements of students and faculty. Select students will also be invited to present research at the regional and national American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Conference each year. Future national conference locations include Washington D.C.圣地亚哥和丹佛.


  • Brown, J.M.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., Hipp, M.L.海沃德,R (2019). Evaluation of an exercise-based phase program as part of a standard care model in cancer survivors. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 4(7): 45-54
Dr. Brown and Dr. 沙克尔福德’s manuscript was recognized and awarded as the PAPER OF THE YEAR by the Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Selection for this award was made by the editor-in-chief from the ACSM翻译杂志, who received nominations from the associate editors of the journal. Each associate editor was instructed to consider the following criteria when making nominations: research significance, 概念设计, 技术创新. This journal is one of the most prestigious journals in the exercise science/physiology field, and this honor is reflective of the outstanding and quality work the program performs. 


  • 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M., & Born, K.A. (2022).  Bruce treadmill VO2peak prediction equations are inaccurate for cancer survivors.  Journal of Clinical Exercise Physiology, 11(4): 132-139.  DOI: http://doi.org/10.31189/2165-6193-11.4.132
  • 彼得森,B.M.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M.Brennecke, A.P., & 海沃德,R. (2020). Aerobic and Flexibility Training Positively Impacts Physiological, 社会心理, and Cognitive Function in an Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma Patient: A Case Report. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine- Clinical Communications.
  • 海沃德,R.布朗,J。.M.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.纽约州哈曼(Harman., & Lazio, M. (2019). Response to letter to the editor: enhancing the utility and reporting of real-world exercise programs in cancer care. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 4(18): 194-196.
  • Brown, J.M.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., Hipp, M.L.海沃德,R (2019). Evaluation of an exercise-based phase program as part of a standard care model in cancer survivors. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 4(7): 45-54
  • 克里斯坦森,M.斯莫克,P.利萨诺,J.K.海沃德,r.r.科罗拉多州科罗纳多市., Kage, K.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., & 斯图尔特,我.K. (2019). 心肺适能, 内脏脂肪, 身体脂肪, 但不是饮食炎症指数, 与癌症幸存者体内的c反应蛋白有关吗. 营养与健康,25(3):195-202.
  • 舒马赫,.N.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M.海沃德,r.r. (2019). Validation of the six-minute walk test for predicting peak VO2 in cancer survivors. Medicine & 体育科学 & 练习,51(2):271-277.
  • 彼得森,B.M.约翰逊,C., Case, K.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M.拉隆德,T.L., & 海沃德,R. (2018).  Feasibility of a combined aerobic and cognitive training intervention on cognitive function in cancer survivors: a pilot investigation. 试点和可行性研究,4:50.
  • 彼得森,B.M.布朗,J。.M.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.奥尔森,T.拉隆德,T.L., & 海沃德,R. (2018). Cancer rehabilitation: impact of physical activity on initial clinical assessments. 临床运动生理学杂志,7(1):1-7.
  • 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M.彼得森,B.M.谢弗,J., & 海沃德,R. (2017). The University of Northern Colorado Cancer Rehabilitation Institute treadmill protocol accurately measures VO2peak in cancer survivors. 国际物理医学杂志 & 康复,5 (6).


  • Patel, R.N.沃高斯基,M.米勒,A.梅兰达,M.奥图尔,K.(美国.布朗,J。.M., & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. (2023).  Validation of The 沙克尔福德 Treadmill Protocol in cancer, obese, 健康人群:一项试点研究.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Denver, CO.5月30日至6月2日.
  • 菲利普,我.E., Sepic, J.T.米勒,S.M., Janz, S.A.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., & Brown, J.M. (2023).  生理功能的改善, 生活品质, and Modifiable Risk Factors in Long-term Cancer Survivors.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Denver, CO.5月30日至6月2日.
  • Matusik T.斯顿夫,M.赖伯,C.莫德罗,C., Hull, J.克里斯蒂,M.布朗,J。.M., & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. (2022).  Ventilation Rate Should Not Be Used as Secondary VO2max Criteria in the Cancer Population.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, San Diego, CA.5月31日至6月4日. 主题海报展示
  • 克里斯蒂,K.M.冈萨雷斯,A.P.巴茨克,n.n.R.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., & Brown, J.M. (2022).  Evaluation of Valid VO2max Criteria for Graded Exercise Testing in Cancer Survivors.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, San Diego, CA.5月31日至6月4日. 主题海报展示
  • Krippendorf B.纽约州阿马托.聂斯特伦,E.海菲尔,M.威利斯顿,A.布朗,J。.M., & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.  (2021).  Balke-Ware VO2peak Prediction Equations are Inaccurate for Cancer Survivors.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Washington D.C.6月1日至5日.
  • Schwall J.科辛斯基,M.格内威科,D.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., & Brown, J.M.  (2021).  The Administration of Exercise via Telehealth Promotes Physiological Benefits Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic.  American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Washington D.C.6月1日至5日.
  • Born, K.A.格雷文坎普,J.P.艾伦,M。.L., Mena, K.N., Kane, B.T.K.J., & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. Comparison of the cancer and modified Bruce treadmill protocols to measure VO2peak in cancer survivors. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.2020年5月26日至30日.
  • Engelken,年代.罗曼内斯科N.布莱滕巴赫,S., Koch, B.,品堂,R.布朗,J。.M. Waist To Height Ratio: The Up To Date Method Of Predicting Chronic Disease Risk. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, San Francisco, CA.2020年5月26日至30日
  • Born, K.A.格雷文坎普,J.P.艾伦,M。.L., Mena, K.N., Kane, B.T.K.J., & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. Comparison of the cancer and modified Bruce treadmill protocols to measure VO2peak in cancer survivors. 庆祝卡罗尔,Waukesha, WI.2020年4月15日.
  • Engelken,年代.罗曼内斯科N.布莱滕巴赫,S., Koch, B.,品堂,R.布朗,J。.M. Waist To Height Ratio: The Up To Date Method Of Predicting Chronic Disease Risk. 庆祝卡罗尔,Waukesha, WI.2020年4月15日.
  • Born, K.A.格雷文坎普,J.P.艾伦,M。.L., Mena, K.N., Kane, B.T.K.J., & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. Comparing VO2peak results between a cancer and modified Bruce treadmill protocol in cancer survivors. Midwest American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Oakbrook, Ill.2019年11月7日至9日.
  • Engelken,年代.罗曼内斯科N.布莱滕巴赫,S., Koch, B.,品堂,R.布朗,J。.M. Waist To Height Ratio: The Up To Date Method Of Predicting Chronic Disease Risk. Midwest American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Oakbrook, Ill.2019年11月7日至9日.
  • 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M.罗德里格斯,E.R.托马斯·R.K.鲁弗特,J.J.史密斯,A.E., & DeGroot K.J. Comparing modified treadmill protocols for cancer survivors: a pilot study. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Orlando, FL.2019年5月28日至6月1日.
  • Fiene, M.弗朗西斯,A.加里波,M.M . Kokta.沙克尔福德,D.Y.K., & Brown, J.M. Comparison of various measures of body composition and variability among technician. 庆祝卡罗尔,Waukesha, WI.2018年4月18日.
  • 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.布朗,J。.M.彼得森,B.M., & 海沃德,R. Cancer stage does not affect fatigue or VO2peak improvements following an exercise-based rehabilitation program. American College of Sports Medicine National Meeting, Minneapolis, MN., 2018年5月29日至6月2日.



  • 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. & Brown, J.M.  布朗的基于运动的癌症康复阶段.  1st Inbody Symposium – Oncology (Virtual), November 11th, 2021.


  • 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K. & Brown, J.M.  “InBody Presents: Cancer Rehab and Brown’s Phase Program.  InBodyUSA网络研讨会系列讲座,喜瑞都,加州.2020年8月19日

Dr. 布朗博士. 沙克尔福德 were among the few selected to speak at ACSM’s Annual 2020 conference. Their chosen subject covered the different models of cancer rehabilitation for cancer survivors, 包括Dr. 布朗自己设计.

  • Brown, J.M. & 沙克尔福德,D.Y.K.  癌症幸存者的癌症康复模型. 年会辅导课, World Congress on Exercise is Medicine® and World Congress on the Basic Science of Exercise in Regenerative Medicine 2020 in San Francisco, 加州, May 26-30.

